Day 2 in Vienna - Singapore Night and hosted by Singapore Radiological Society and Siemens Medical.
The voices were fantastic. I love it!
Opayasom blogs are mostly about the Choices that we make; be they in deeds, in speech, or even in our thoughts. Eventually, they are reflections of who we are or who we will one day become ... the destiny of all the paths that we have chosen to take.
Finally boarded the plane and began the 12-hour ride among the clouds! I exchanged my seats with Mrs Tay so she could sit beside her hubby. My seat was the 1st seat of four, in the centre aisle, right infront of the very last toilet at the back of the plane. The plane also carried passengers from Meibourne to Vienna. They looked/spoke like Aussies. There was apparently a group of young holiday-makers estactic over the trip to Vienna. So I did not really have much chance to sleep because these couple beside me was either getting in and out of their seats to use the toilet, or asked for more water. So I got this trobbing headache by the time we finally touched down.
Anyway, I have a couple of thousand more words to say.....