By today, I realise, we all have one week less to live our lives. This week, I found out that a friend has been busy helping her sister to run a business even tho she doesn't have an inkling about running a business at all. Reminds me of another who was running TWO at one time a few years ago. These are those whom I would consider to have GUTS! Probably more than those who only dare to dream. While one was by choice, the former must have been by circumstances. Her friend and I met recently and I feel that she is lucky to have friends like that. Whoever has friends who would go around looking for help for him or her should count him-/herself really fortunate.
Yesterday, I went to Ah Boy again with my friend. Got myself some "sparklers" and went to get it fixed at another of Boy's workshop at Kallang Bahru. Met Harry, an "ang moh" lecturer. He also got an X9 (18000km) for dirt cheap and so couldn't care-less by spending another K++ before he could happily call it "owned". He was looking for some mods plus some paint job. I think that should add up to 2K++ orledy liao.
The weather, I suppose, will be cooling, if not wet, over the next few weeks. The rain season is here again. There could be Tsunamis brewing too, judging from the few that have already occured over the past few weeks. Don't know Christmas will be a wet one or not.
It was pretty cool in the afternoon - there was a sudden downpour lasting only about an hour plus but it did give us a cool feel about the rest of the day. Everyone at the workshop seemed to be in such high spirits. Even the customers. Harry could speak a little mandarin, malay and Singlish. So he joked a little with us. A friendly guy and VERY handsome, maybe in his late 20s or early 30s. He must have been in town for a while by now. Dec, he will be going Cambodia till January, after which, we will probably be meeting up to exchange notes on the way he did his Evolution and the way I did mine. I would like to see how his paint job goes just in case I need to get mine done should my project fail by December.
Actually, I was just lucky to have a good friend, Jimmy. I had not realised this at first but only until Harry pointed it out to me. "Hey, you have a 14 fitted in and I just had mine on 12 only!" Then I could only smile hoping to cover up my own surprise. If another friend had opened it up and showed it to me, I would have said something like "Wow!" You see, I had asked my friend, Jimmy, to change the batt for me. Originally, it was a 12V and acid. This is a 14 and dry! I had never really felt the need to bargain with Jimmy over price because I trust him. I have also always gone back to him whenever I have problems. Even tho I think he has already taken over the business from his father, he would never do anything that would hurt his father's business, I am sure. But I have never thought that he would give me a 14V instead of the 12V. Probably his dad didn't know. Good to have good friends. BTW, his dad was dad's friend too. The sons are also.
Today is a pretty uneventful (but peaceful) Sunday. Yen had to spend the whole day (from 7.30am) with her relatives at the beach. She had called back a few times, tho. Told her the news that Julie had just bought a pair of earrings for her from India! Bet this will cheer her up the rest of the day! I stayed at home and did some housekeeping on my harddisk as well as some touching up on the web.
Rachel's cellgroup seemed to have grown in size because when I opened the door, already Rachel was sitting on the floor right infront of the doorway! Behind my doors, I couldn't really catch what was going on except when they were singing or laughing or playing games. (Just to let you know how small the world is, one of her cellgroup leader happens to be a nursing colleague of mine. Really small small world!)
Went to Tampines Mall to get some SINSIN chilli sauce and polyglaze. Saw some people buying DIY Christmas Trees. Hmm... should we? Nah...
Also got some money changed into Thai Baht for Rachel because tomorrow, she will be going there for some school project. Lydia was laughing away how a princess could help out at the animal farms when she hardly washes the plates at home. Haha...
Hope this exercise would do something good ultimately. Anyway, life is good and I am thankful.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

(This is another superb masterpiece by someone else. Could have been taken with a very large aperture and/or mirror lens. Probably Phillip would know the trick.)
What I have learnt today is that two persons can look in the same direction in life but see different things that ignite their imagination. It's only a matter of focus. What have you seen today?
Painting with X-rays

Helen, wana try? It's been so long since you last painted..
Found this amazing piece also. Can't remember where I got it from but I suspect it is from the retired physician also. You can try searching under "floral radiographs".
The work on the left has been totally plagiarised. This is probably what Radiography means - Painting with X-rays. In medical radiography, the pictures captured are probably less 'aesthetic'.
Maybe using an adjustable heat-gun on a material (wood/balsa) may also do the trick?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Radiograph of a flower

Found this from a website, using low dose X-radiation. Hmm... one day I shall try.
I am not sure if it will succeed... I need to focus. Maybe Yoga might help? haha.. Then I will get it enlarged, framed up and hang on the wall.
Life can be interesting sometimes, if you look beyond the buttons to push.
I thank God for the many many things that have happened over the last few years. For a start, Earth is one of them. It is the stage on which He has planted me after making me. This is where it all began for all of us also. But none can fathom the intricate designs and social architecture work that went ahead to make everything fit in like a magic jigsaw puzzle. Like, my family, my church and my friends, brothers and sisters.
In some strange way, we have all met by some interesting "co-incidences", which I believe, are not accidental.
Anyway .... (let's move on.)
"See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? " (Mt6:28b-30 NIV)
"He leads me to walk beside still waters. Tho I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, yet will I fear no evil. For You are with me. You are my Lord." Ps 23 (MOV)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Unfinished Journey

Note that the colors being used were from colored sands which each monk carefully sprinkled onto the board.
The future destiny of the world depends on the unification of colours being used here. It looks complex and yet so simple. Such is the color of life.I also remember the roti-boy which supposedly got famous there (according to Hwee Mun).
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Q1: Samsung UltraMobile PC
For another review, try this:
For another review, try this:
Cool UMPC : Samsung Q1

Some interesting reviews I have read ....

The Pros:
Included Data cable makes transferring data between your computer or Tablet PC and the Q1 umpc simple and easy
Fun to use
Light weight - 1.7 pounds
Full Tablet PC OS
Touch Screen
Good Sound Quality
Excellent Screen
Ethernet port
Built in Stand
Wrist Strap
Allows you the mobility to have a full functioning computer with you anytime you need it, anywhere you go
Fun to use
Light weight - 1.7 pounds
Full Tablet PC OS
Touch Screen
Good Sound Quality
Excellent Screen
Ethernet port
Built in Stand
Wrist Strap
Allows you the mobility to have a full functioning computer with you anytime you need it, anywhere you go
The Cons:
Even though its up gradable to 1GB, the Q1 can only be purchased in one configuration with 512MB, the Q1 performance would be greatly improved with a full Gig of memory.
Tiny pen is hard to hold and has no option to tether so its easy to lose
Tip can only be used docked
Instructions for choosing the actions for the user defined button are not in the manual
Click/double click using the auto scaler button in conjunction with the menu button - is difficult at best
No PCMCIA slot for use with Cellular EDVO cards
Even though its up gradable to 1GB, the Q1 can only be purchased in one configuration with 512MB, the Q1 performance would be greatly improved with a full Gig of memory.
Tiny pen is hard to hold and has no option to tether so its easy to lose
Tip can only be used docked
Instructions for choosing the actions for the user defined button are not in the manual
Click/double click using the auto scaler button in conjunction with the menu button - is difficult at best
No PCMCIA slot for use with Cellular EDVO cards
In Conclusion:
The Ultra Mobile PC was designed for ease of mobility and convenience and the Q1 provides that.
If you enjoy the convenience of having all of your desktop applications, email, MP3, Pen and Ink capabilities, GPS and other computer features all in a 1.7 pound package doesn't weigh you down when your out and about the Q1 is worth looking into.
The Ultra Mobile PC was designed for ease of mobility and convenience and the Q1 provides that.
If you enjoy the convenience of having all of your desktop applications, email, MP3, Pen and Ink capabilities, GPS and other computer features all in a 1.7 pound package doesn't weigh you down when your out and about the Q1 is worth looking into.
On the whole, this week has finally passed by rather smoothly. I am glad it did.
I actually dread the coming retreat. I feel that retreats are supposed to be stress-free but my 6th sense keeps telling me this isn't going to happen.
Regarding the situation at work currently, I am sure that ultimately, we are all accountable for the Peace we uphold in this world, as well as all the Conflicts we participate in, or unintentionally spark off, or fuel.
There are really some things more important than power, recognition, promotion, money.... I believe that there's a difference between good friends, and true friends. That difference has made friends into bitter enemies, lovebirds into cheaters, and business partners into rivals.
So, looking back, I am still very thankful for I have my family and the friends.
Thanks for all the morale support, and counsel. Thanks so much.
I actually dread the coming retreat. I feel that retreats are supposed to be stress-free but my 6th sense keeps telling me this isn't going to happen.
Regarding the situation at work currently, I am sure that ultimately, we are all accountable for the Peace we uphold in this world, as well as all the Conflicts we participate in, or unintentionally spark off, or fuel.
There are really some things more important than power, recognition, promotion, money.... I believe that there's a difference between good friends, and true friends. That difference has made friends into bitter enemies, lovebirds into cheaters, and business partners into rivals.
So, looking back, I am still very thankful for I have my family and the friends.
Thanks for all the morale support, and counsel. Thanks so much.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Late Dinner at Tiong Bahru
Have been feeling rather stressed out and also inadequate at work lately. So I would take a long trip back home. Enjoyed the nice long rides in the night, especially when the air is cool and traffic is light.
The engine was purring away at 80. I wish I could go around Singapore some day and take pictures. There are so many scenic places in Singapore, actually. I just wonder why people would neglect to look beyond the invisible walls they erect around themselves.
I remember a particular night after work and decided to go back with a friend for dinner along the way. We found a little coffeeshop in the middle of a "dead town" somewhere near Tiong Bahru. Surprisingly good business, if you could see how quiet it was everywhere else. No one would have supposed that a shop like this would thrive in a little district like this.
Anyway, the business must have been good enough for people to travel all the way there to eat. Forgot to take a picture to show you. There'll be another chance to, I think....
The engine was purring away at 80. I wish I could go around Singapore some day and take pictures. There are so many scenic places in Singapore, actually. I just wonder why people would neglect to look beyond the invisible walls they erect around themselves.
I remember a particular night after work and decided to go back with a friend for dinner along the way. We found a little coffeeshop in the middle of a "dead town" somewhere near Tiong Bahru. Surprisingly good business, if you could see how quiet it was everywhere else. No one would have supposed that a shop like this would thrive in a little district like this.
Anyway, the business must have been good enough for people to travel all the way there to eat. Forgot to take a picture to show you. There'll be another chance to, I think....
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Piaggio, the Italian scooter giant which gave the world the iconic Vespa, unveiled a revolutionary three-wheeled scooter which will make it almost impossible for its rider to fall off.
The Piaggio MP3 has two wheels at the front to provide more stability for the rider, and does away with the need to kick it up on its stand when parking.
"It's an absolutely new product which we hope will excite customer interest," said Piaggio chief Roberto Colaninno, who is hoping the new model will be a big hit on the streets of Europe as well as in Asia and the United States as the price of oil soars to an all-time high.
A 250cc model goes on sale in Italy next month, at a price of around 5,000 euros. The MP3 will be exported initially only in a 125 cc version. The company's most successful product, the Vespa, turned 60 this month.

My niece Beckie (Rebecca).
Caught her practising on the abacus.
She has grown much bigger since but still retains very much the japanese/korean look.
Maybe still just as 'khung' also.
Khung Khung va Ding Ding

Another Piaggio. I like its simplistic style. Should be fun for city cruise as well as for country roads.
Monday, November 06, 2006
It was suspected that my lens has a "back-focus" problem. Shall have to wait for the technician to recalibrate it for me - in a few days' time. No choice, but come Saturday, Nov 11 - which is the public forum day - I shall have to use the F828. Let's see how.
Maybe I should look for a bounce/diffuser on Wednesday for the flash. See how it goes.
Managed to get some shots with oil - this is what I got.
It was suspected that my lens has a "back-focus" problem. Shall have to wait for the technician to recalibrate it for me - in a few days' time. No choice, but come Saturday, Nov 11 - which is the public forum day - I shall have to use the F828. Let's see how.
Maybe I should look for a bounce/diffuser on Wednesday for the flash. See how it goes.
Managed to get some shots with oil - this is what I got.
This picture was taken at East Coast. There was a light shower earlier and also probably very little crowd.
Saw this and took it by impulse, just to test the camera again.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Yesterday was World Radiography Day 2006 and it is the first to be celebrated in Singapore. This marked the beginning of a new era for Singaporean radiographers, I suppose.
I had volunteered to be photographer for the day's event at the carnival at Bishan Park 1. From 8am to 1pm.
There was also another event for my department to celebrate the occasion. Our HOD and Manager would also like to use the opportunity to share with everyone regarding the future plans for the department. You see, 2 years ago, we had a department-wide staff survey to assess how everyone felt about the department and the work they were doing, etc. We then had a retreat to plan and work on what we would like to see over the next few years from then. I was excited not because of all the things they have planned ahead for us, since I already knew more or less, the heart and soul of the organisation and its intentions, but because I understand the amount of painstaking planning and reorganising that everyone at the top has already been putting in to try to make the dreams come true. I am anxious how the folks will receive the news and what's cooking. But to be frank, after having witnessed how kindness have been "appreciated" by self-centred ingrates, wonder whether it is all worth it. Anyway, life goes on. There are 99 more to care about.
For the occasion, I had gotten myself a pair of telephoto lens too, which I bought at secondhand: Sigma 18-200mm. 3.5-6.3. The seller was an old gentleman Phillip had introduced to me. So, I took about 300 shots covering both the events, except for the part when the walk&jog was flagged off. I was too busy capturing the scenes at the carnival then. Hope at least 1 of the 2 other photographers would be there to catch the momentos. Unfortunately, there was hardly any coordination regarding phototaking.
Could not wait to check out the pictures which I had taken. Both sad (and shocked) a number of the shots were bad. Vignetting was terrible, especially at the near end. Group shots made it more evident. Should have tried stopping down and correct for the lens. Or was it the lens?? Shall have to send the lens back to the seller and check it out. But first, need to print out some samples to show him. By tonight. Hopefully its my technique and not the lens. Otherwise, wasted, Man!
Spent the whole afternoon salvaging some of the pictures. Cham!
Sis, if you are reading this, pls don't tell mother I had bought the lens hor. Costed me a bomb actually but I had thought I could bring it with me when I next go vacation. Also an investment in a potential sideline too. Will show you and Yen some nice pics if I have captured anything nice enough with this.
Better get back to work.
I had volunteered to be photographer for the day's event at the carnival at Bishan Park 1. From 8am to 1pm.
There was also another event for my department to celebrate the occasion. Our HOD and Manager would also like to use the opportunity to share with everyone regarding the future plans for the department. You see, 2 years ago, we had a department-wide staff survey to assess how everyone felt about the department and the work they were doing, etc. We then had a retreat to plan and work on what we would like to see over the next few years from then. I was excited not because of all the things they have planned ahead for us, since I already knew more or less, the heart and soul of the organisation and its intentions, but because I understand the amount of painstaking planning and reorganising that everyone at the top has already been putting in to try to make the dreams come true. I am anxious how the folks will receive the news and what's cooking. But to be frank, after having witnessed how kindness have been "appreciated" by self-centred ingrates, wonder whether it is all worth it. Anyway, life goes on. There are 99 more to care about.
For the occasion, I had gotten myself a pair of telephoto lens too, which I bought at secondhand: Sigma 18-200mm. 3.5-6.3. The seller was an old gentleman Phillip had introduced to me. So, I took about 300 shots covering both the events, except for the part when the walk&jog was flagged off. I was too busy capturing the scenes at the carnival then. Hope at least 1 of the 2 other photographers would be there to catch the momentos. Unfortunately, there was hardly any coordination regarding phototaking.
Could not wait to check out the pictures which I had taken. Both sad (and shocked) a number of the shots were bad. Vignetting was terrible, especially at the near end. Group shots made it more evident. Should have tried stopping down and correct for the lens. Or was it the lens?? Shall have to send the lens back to the seller and check it out. But first, need to print out some samples to show him. By tonight. Hopefully its my technique and not the lens. Otherwise, wasted, Man!
Spent the whole afternoon salvaging some of the pictures. Cham!
Sis, if you are reading this, pls don't tell mother I had bought the lens hor. Costed me a bomb actually but I had thought I could bring it with me when I next go vacation. Also an investment in a potential sideline too. Will show you and Yen some nice pics if I have captured anything nice enough with this.
Better get back to work.
The Way
There was once a novice monk who went up a mountain seeking a Zen master's tutelage.
When he found the master at last, seated under the bodhi tree, he gave a deep bow and pleaded with the master to keep him as his disciple.
One day, halfway through his meditation, he asked his master.
"Master, I have learnt this art of meditation since I was a child when my parents left me to the abbot's care. Why do I have to sit here beside you all day long and you have not taught me anything more eversince the first day I arrived? Didn't you promise to help me get to the Way?"
The Master got up from his spot under the shade of the tree. "Here, you may seat yourself under this tree."
The monks exchanged places and the disciple was momentarily satisfied with his Master's favourite seat.
He remained seated for some time more. But still, the days grew longer and longer, and soon, the little monk's growing impatience got the better of him.
Being unable to focus, he asked his teacher, " Master, may I know how long more will it take for me to be where you are?"
"Maybe soon. Maybe tomorrow." "Master, what if I worked extra hard and meditate here day and night?"
"1 year. Maybe more."
"What if I swear never to leave this spot and even half the time for my meals and sleep?"
"10 or more."
The little monk grew perplexed. "Master, why is it that when I said I would work even harder, you would say it would take a longer time to master?"
"That is because when you strain one of your eyes to look at your future, you have only one left to find your way."
(The answer lies not in the spot where one is seated. Nor does it lie in the length of time that one spends at a given activity. Truth is like a friendship that blossoms along the way.)
When he found the master at last, seated under the bodhi tree, he gave a deep bow and pleaded with the master to keep him as his disciple.
One day, halfway through his meditation, he asked his master.
"Master, I have learnt this art of meditation since I was a child when my parents left me to the abbot's care. Why do I have to sit here beside you all day long and you have not taught me anything more eversince the first day I arrived? Didn't you promise to help me get to the Way?"
The Master got up from his spot under the shade of the tree. "Here, you may seat yourself under this tree."
The monks exchanged places and the disciple was momentarily satisfied with his Master's favourite seat.
He remained seated for some time more. But still, the days grew longer and longer, and soon, the little monk's growing impatience got the better of him.
Being unable to focus, he asked his teacher, " Master, may I know how long more will it take for me to be where you are?"
"Maybe soon. Maybe tomorrow." "Master, what if I worked extra hard and meditate here day and night?"
"1 year. Maybe more."
"What if I swear never to leave this spot and even half the time for my meals and sleep?"
"10 or more."
The little monk grew perplexed. "Master, why is it that when I said I would work even harder, you would say it would take a longer time to master?"
"That is because when you strain one of your eyes to look at your future, you have only one left to find your way."
(The answer lies not in the spot where one is seated. Nor does it lie in the length of time that one spends at a given activity. Truth is like a friendship that blossoms along the way.)
Saturday, November 04, 2006
A Prayer by Jim Elliot - (for my sis, Helen. I found this while moving out.)
I set my love upon thee, child
I knew thee far away
I wept to see thee wandering, wild
I yearned 'til thou didst pray
One of the hateful rebel band
Strong in thy lust for sin
A furtive, fitful, fiery soul
I loved; I called thee in
Stripped thee of thy grimy pride
Laid bare thy secret want
Poor vagabond of empty ways
I sent my Spirit to haunt
Now, desert son, the choice is thine
My love thou canst forget
And go to roaming wasteland paths
Wilt, willful, wander yet?
I set my love upon thee, child
I knew thee far away
I wept to see thee wandering, wild
I yearned 'til thou didst pray
One of the hateful rebel band
Strong in thy lust for sin
A furtive, fitful, fiery soul
I loved; I called thee in
Stripped thee of thy grimy pride
Laid bare thy secret want
Poor vagabond of empty ways
I sent my Spirit to haunt
Now, desert son, the choice is thine
My love thou canst forget
And go to roaming wasteland paths
Wilt, willful, wander yet?
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