Went Funan again just now llss and scout for desktop pc. My sis did not make it apparently and so went around on my own. Met these 2 nice guys who were doing partime at one of the shops/displays for a well-known brands. What saddened me a little was how the conversation started - "sir, buying something for your children?" Waliao, I look so old meh???? Cannot buy for myself ah? Anyway, I was good and asked them what I needed to know about that pc on display. Then (can't rem how it started) I showed them what I had been offered just minutes before by another guy upstairs and his friend came over and volunteered to help me build my list for "the same price but 3.5 times BETTER" its config! Come on, for $1500, I think I will be willing to rob a bank to get it if he could give me the list! Anyway, he did!! I GOT THE PRESCRIPTION!! His (their) prices were based on their current market researches in Sim Lim Sq, ok? We exchange some notes and contact nos. Very nice guys!
Came home and smsed them to thank them again for the advices and THE LIST. Thankfully, they were very honest and helpful. They also decided to accompany me get the parts this weekend!! God sent me angels.. do you believe? Sometimes, I believe there are people who were "touched" by an angel. Anyway, will have a wonderful night's sleep tonight. Yes, I am happy. Do you believe in angels?
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