I appreciate my boss for buying us all pizza as we worked through the late evening yesterday.
Auditors should have bought toto and 4Ds.
Of all forms, they had to pick up THAT ONE that had a missing page! Someone slipped. But as usual, everyone will kena. We do not know who, except that something's got to give - one way or another.
Looking back, everyone slipped big time. Probably, everyone will have a couple of turns at the Wailing Wall.
I wish JCI isn't meant for pointing fingers or for shaking heads. I somehow feel many (if not most) of the pains and fright have been a little over-dramatic and probably self-inflicted. Perhaps that's the price we have to pay for wanting to be the top. In the end, I think if we receive the award, everyone deserves it. But I do wish that we do not accuse people of having slipped and still in the end, congratulate him/her for "everything".
We were probably all doing things we have thought to be 'right" until the standards and requirements were updated. Sometimes, a simple answer might have been better than trying to correct history at the last minute. Sometimes, there isn't only ONE right way to do things. There may be BEST PRACTICES, but certainly we can't straightaway treat anything that is different as being "wrong". They have been done that particular way still with the best intentions. Altho different from how you would opine, but they may not be as terrible as you make it sound to be.
I heard "Come on lah, how you could do things like this?!" And there have also been so many "You should haves ... " and "How could yous ... ".
"I had spent much of my waking hours working out how things could be run. Sometimes I wonder why, just a few months ago, I had thought everything was in place. I guessed people don't like to read emails and documents which I had painstakingly phrased and typed so that they could all understand. I stayed back and spent whole evenings just to try envision how certain workflows should run .... typed out the process and asked for opinions. As usual, nobody answered, except 1. In the end, everyone acted as if all the game rules came from me!" "Hey, did you come up with the program?!" "Who made it run this way? This is stupid lah!!!" "Who gave you the right to ... ?" "Why you all do things like that???" "Why you never checked ?" Still, I really wish I had stuck to fixing broken chairs and tidying up cables under the office tables. Life would have been so much simpler. I probably could have more fun during my precious remaining days on earth. Or just let me do simple errands, so that I could at least focus on my yoga, music and movies that I've been missing ..... I need to break away from this unnecessary game driving people nuts. Trying to make sure things are done right isn't a hard thing actually, except when you are dealing with others who believe everyone should contribute but there is only one - ONE - right way to do things. Strange, what had been right before, suddenly became the stupidest thing I have done.
Anyway, I should be learning to bake next. By a certain time, I would have been able to cook, bake, and make all sorts of yogurt shakes !!! Not much time left for me actually. Maybe that explains my sleepless nights and while in the day, I feel like a zombie. And my friends are probably looking towards clearing their annual leaves, go holiday, or learning a modality, or expecting a promotion.
This afternoon, while I was rushing through an explanation for a complaint letter, someone "K" came and talked to me. She is going to embark on another career path, and I really feel happy for her. She is good, and smart. She doesn't need to drive through more blind alleys and unmarked humps. I think we are in a hazardous occupation. Come JCI, having best practices listed in the Hall of Excellence is good, but all the more, having just ONE RIGHT WAY tends to keep us all too rooted to only one mindset. Whether that mindset is right or not, probably depends on one feels about the next JCI.