Reminds me of the old house I used to live in (Charlton Lane).
It's no longer there of course. But during those days, there were also rambutans, franjipanies (?spellos), bananas, Jackfruits and other trees.
It's no longer there of course. But during those days, there were also rambutans, franjipanies (?spellos), bananas, Jackfruits and other trees.
I really miss the care-free days. I notice that children seem to be less concerned about their appearances, mosquitoe-bites, or however filthy the pet is. This is a good thing.
Nowadays, or when we become adults, we become more sensitive about the clothes we wear at work, the cosmetics, the "professional image" we project ("FACIE"), the way we talk and the amount of "environmental noises" that we encounter at our workplaces.
I really hate dealing with coffee-shop politicians. No matter how many layers of lead they surround themselves with. Or even if they are currently not near my CO2. The buzzing in the air can be irksome sometimes and it doesn't matter whether it is coming at you or not. People who tell you that or think this is a small thing obviously has never been bitten by a mosquito.
Smart-alecs and people who, for some reasons, believe they should be better than others, belong together as far as I am concerned. I classify them in the same genus as mossies becos if you are not careful, and by the time you get the itch, its virus has already gotten you into your bloodstream.
Anyway, this is not about these people and thank God, I don't get to encounter these lately. I just want this blog to be about how I wish to live life:- to the fullest and hopefully as little mossie bites as possible. I wish to be like these children, who seemed not to be the least bothered.
Before my cousin and I went there, we had covered ourselves with longs on top of a layer of repellent. tsk. tsk. But I see that the children playing with us were having fun more completely.
How nice to run around barefooted also. It seems we will do that for foot reflexology sake only.
The dirt didn't bother them.
The mossies also did not bother them.
Must really learn to be like them.
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