Tuesday, May 06, 2008

This week has been filled with very trying moments indeed. Had never seen someone so distressed and sad. Sometimes, we wonder why there are so many people suffering so much pains and so deep inside that medicine don't seem able to reach.

I also believe medication is not THE answer to our ailments. I also believe it is usually more spiritual than physical or emotional.


To some extent, I think we are all mad. Judging by the way we have displayed our unique behavoirs and thinking patterns. If we have some unresolved issues in our hearts, they may re-surface in our latter years. Trust me.. it is better to deal with these feelings now than let it all get bottled up.


Tomorrow is another day. I am not sure whether I should allow myself to go into madness or not. But I certainly do not want to have dementia or Alzheimer. This is bad.. to lose every recollection of my time and relationships with my good friends and families. And lose sense of time and place. I will stand alone... isolated and very very alone. I feel locked in.. and although everyone is with me, I hurt everyone who loves me most. I think this is terrible for both the inflicted and the families. It is both frustrating and deeply painful. So sometimes I wonder why God still chooses to remain silent. Why let the devils utter their nonsense instead? This is the time I wish God is right beside His child. He is not going mad. Pls do not let him lose himself. What plans has God for him... I do not know. But I am really sad and drained right now. I am tired.. and also worried if I will also sink into it myself one day.

I wish this world doesn't have to drive us all like this....

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