Saturday, December 08, 2007

Human Society

Orca society is a complex one. The males live up to 50 yrs while the females more than 80. This explains why Orca society is a matriachal society. The females are more experienced.

The Orcas are such proficient hunters. They spend only 10% of their time hunting. The rest of the time is spent playing or teaching their young.

Hmm.... how much time we spend on family and our young? It says so much about how proficient we are at "food-finding". Ultimately, human existence in the raw means putting food on the table. But human society has become so complex that in the process of finding food, humans have to go into some form of exchanges ... thereby giving 'food' to another in order to obtain 'food' for one's own table. Complicated huh?

From birth, we spend about 20 years learning how to get and/or stay at a good job. For the most of us, the first 20 years of education we get probably can only equipe us to get a jobs in our own locality/culture. Although my certs and experience may get me a job in another country (thankfully) but certainly, not forever, unless I enrol myself into some kind of Continuing Professional Development. At my department, we often hear about CPD, IDP, PDS, and ROLE EXTENSION. Well, one has to get one's role extended in order to justify for more bread on the table.

Anyway, must check out how much of my time has been invested in finding food on my table vs time I spend with/for my family. But one stark reality (and no debate) is: as we grow up, our idea of what fun is actually gets more and more vague. That's for sure. You may say that adult form of 'fun' will probably get more and more sober.

The other harsh reality is that as one psycho-emotional self matures, one's physical being ages. As the latter provides the bedsoil from which the 'higher self' blossoms, there will also come a point in time when both must diminish over a certain point. Mind you, there is definitely an 'expiry date' fixed for us. Like the butterfly that first emerges from its moult, our capabilities must expand as fast as possible before our physical forms and our will get hardened.

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