Thursday, June 14, 2007

Notes to myself

Recently, the pace has been getting faster and faster. New students and rotators are coming onboard and apparently, many are coming to my section to replace those who have opted to "advance".

It is not easy to keep a perfect balance on things happening around us. There are simply too many balls to juggle. There are apparently also some people who seem to enjoy dipping their fingers into every soup. This makes matters worse. Sometimes ridiculous. I will steer clear from the yarn that they spin.... don't get entangled but try have a good life and be good.

"The heart is deceitful above all else, deceiving even its own master." sometimes we should really spend enough time with ourselves, for ourselves and by ourselves. Be frank and clear with ourselves. Avoid justifying and rationalising every stupidity we demonstrated. Then soon, we will start to do things right.

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