Sunday, June 11, 2006

3 Ds of Success

Desire - the hunger and motivation. It drives the person forward.

Dedication - this requires discipline. Think of the diehards and the highly motivated cultists. Unfortunately, dedication to a wrong cause. Where dedication and Desire speaks of energy and intensity, it does not touch on whether the aim was correct. Misdirected focus and energy is as dangerous as a micalibrated laser gun.

Naturally, the distance that one can cover depends on both Desire X Dedication.

Dare - this is the first, but necessary step towards any direction. The amount of desire and dedication determines the amount of Dare but not necessarily the other way round. The amount of Dare does not determine the amount desire nor the dedication. In other words, we can challenge and motivate someone. We can put someone to the test. But once the pressure is off, the intensity and perserverence fades off. A flash in a pan is a good example.

Ingredients necessary for achievements:-
Dare + Desire X Dedication in a given Direction.
But it sounds much easier in theory. Becos most people are in lack of these 3.

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