Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Three Monkeys (revised edition)

Imagine that one day, you found a handphone. It must have belonged to somebody. You opened it and see what the owner must have been like.....

Smses fly around as usual. (What's new?) WHOA!!!


"Imagine the world that it was before the invention of the mobile phone and smses.

Can you imagine how much effort it would get someone to find his way to your ears just to tell you things that might never have least bothered you at all?

This piece of mobile machine serves a very good recruitment tool for birds of a particular feather. The lure of "vital information" has made many stumble.

It's amazing how much more convenient it is today to pass on your opinions through those little bits and bytes of information that you hope would appear onto someone else's screen. Whatever the outcome from that $0.05 invesment is, there will be some response and probably the response you instinctively know that will come about.

And for that momentary bit of satisfaction ..... you feel the release of a piece of stone from your heart and go to bed each night.

So, let's go back to the days before the handphone was ever invented.

Keep your handphone away from the things that you know you can't say to God.
If you wish to know what kind of a person someone is, you may probably have a good picture by reading through all the smses passing through his/her hp.

Screen through all those smses and read through them as if you were somebody else reading them. Maybe your wife, maybe your sister, your boss, your parents, or Jesus (if you claim to be God-fearing).

Keep your hearts and minds pure and uncorrupted ... avoid the corrupt.

Our life has a history being kept, just like your browsing history cache on your pc. It's a matter of time before someone picks it up and starts learning about you.


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