Saturday, November 17, 2007

dairy of a scattered-brain

Going to take up an exam by the end of this month ... But I haven't had time to really get down to studying yet!! I am grateful to Fenella for her encouragements. Maybe I should just give it a shot and see how it goes. Who knows, this could really be a new me in the making.

Signed up for some courses over the past 2 months on my own. (I do feel bad about lettinng Dr Jurgen down.... but I promise I MUST get back on my feet.) I tend to get drifted away to another project before the first one is really completed. Must handle my time-management very well or else, what actually gives will have to be those that I need to put into practise. So, as the saying goes, "all theories but no practise .... " I am a slow learner. The things taught to me need time to simmer and slowly sink in... I think I do have a good memory (sometimes - haha) but let me explain why I think so about my kind of "memory".

Sometimes, when you look back, you suddenly get to realise some of the old lessons that have been taught to you long ago and now you feel you finally understood them in practical forms. Maybe I could have sort of 4-compartment brain ...:) like the cows. Still, you might think that means I am dumb. Whatever... slow I learn, that is, and you are also entitled to your views about me.

Anyway the sit-in lessons from the gurus have been really great and I can say I have learnt a lot. Now I think I can say that I can comprehend GREEKS if someone would care to teach me more about it!!!

Phillip has just returned from Egypt. Haven't got to see his travel shots. Especially of a weird Kuwaiti man and the 3 German Spice Girls. Wish I could do travel shots one day too. Perhaps next weekend, I shall test out the new lens I got last week. Tamron 2.8. My next one (for Christmas : a telezoom piece with an IS and 2.8 or 3.5). Now, FIND MONEY!

Will have to ask someone to help me with my namecards .. :)

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