Wednesday, February 06, 2008

7 Habits To Win In Office Politics

Office politics - a taboo word for some people. It’s a pervasive thing at the workplace. In it’s simplest form, office politics is simply about the differences between people at work; differences in opinions, conflicts of interests are often manifested as office politics. It all goes down to human communications and relationships.

There is no need to be afraid of office politics. Top performers are those who have mastered the art of winning in office politics.

I have found a site which shows these 7 habits are applicable in the corporate warzone. (Sorry, i lost the web-address.) The reason I feel compelled to bring these up here is because I strongly believe in the 7 Habits and as will be discussed over the next few pages on my blogs, I do hope that all my friends who happen to be reading these will be edified by them.

7 good habits to help you win at the workplace:


The most common reactions to politics at work are either fight or flight. It’s normal human reaction for survival in the wild, back in the prehistoric days when we were still hunter-gatherers. Sure, the office is a modern jungle, but it takes more than just instinctive reactions to win in office politics. Instinctive fight reactions will only cause more resistance to whatever you are trying to achieve; while instinctive flight reactions only label you as a pushover that people can easily take for granted. Neither options are appealing for healthy career growth.

Winning requires you to consciously choose your reactions to the situation.

Recognize that no matter how bad the circumstances, you have a choice in choosing how you feel and react. So how do you choose? This bring us to the next point…

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