Saturday, November 18, 2006

On the whole, this week has finally passed by rather smoothly. I am glad it did.
I actually dread the coming retreat. I feel that retreats are supposed to be stress-free but my 6th sense keeps telling me this isn't going to happen.

Regarding the situation at work currently, I am sure that ultimately, we are all accountable for the Peace we uphold in this world, as well as all the Conflicts we participate in, or unintentionally spark off, or fuel.

There are really some things more important than power, recognition, promotion, money.... I believe that there's a difference between good friends, and true friends. That difference has made friends into bitter enemies, lovebirds into cheaters, and business partners into rivals.

So, looking back, I am still very thankful for I have my family and the friends.
Thanks for all the morale support, and counsel. Thanks so much.

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